Thursday, June 22, 2017

Open 8-Late visit and life on Bleeker Street

What I think is great about Art, is how it represents what is going on in our lives, but it makes light of it.  Everyday there is something in the news closing or some business being bought for billions of dollars. The news is a true juxtaposition of our economics today.  What is sad is seeing the shape of Main Street shopping or the best example is Bleeker Street in New York City.  This is a great article:  At the same time I visited an Art Installation by Lucy Sparrow that was also featured in the New York Times.  I have been following her since her first Installation in London three years ago called "Corner Store".  I have written a lot about my dream of owning my own store one day, and how long it took me to finally make a leap of faith.  I was so excited to meet Lucy Sparrow and she was right under the  vinyl record covers she made out of felt.  Which I "felt" was really ironic, since our store turned into all of our inventory made out of recycled vinyl records.  So, I was lucky when I visited 8 'til Late located in the Meat Packing District of New York city in the Highline building.  She is only there one more week until June 30. Just read this article today June 22nd and she is CLOSED!!!!  There was a line when I left, and a friend went later in the day and waited twenty minutes to get in.  There is the installation in back and then the store is in front with everything in a Convenience Store  made out of felt.
 If there was would go in front of the window and everyone would be taking pictures.
 Unless you see it for yourself it is hard to imagine these are all felt.
 I think this sign you get the feel of the felt and stitching.
 There were people buying boxes can see the mustard was almost sold out this morning
 I think this is brilliant.....
 When it is all together like this, it is very reminiscent of Andy Warhol
 Yes, and here is Lucy Sparrows with an Andy Warhol album cover........again brilliant!!!
 Lucy Sparrows is sweet and fun to meet.  Happy and eager to take pictures.  She actually wrapped everything I bought and I don't even want to unwrap it to take a picture.
 Her famous stuffed banana on the register.....should read up to find more to this story.  Wishing I had asked about the felt lottery....Is it a contest????
And the cutest of all is a felt mouse drowning in the bucket of felt mop water.

Turning 60 is all About Perception

   It is 2019 and it is ten years since I started blogging.  I still feel the need from time to time to get everything out of my head on t...